The first Dramione I read was Manacled, which is a dark AU war fic. It sucked me in so completely and rocked my world. The way I explain it to people is that it will reach into your chest, rip your heart out, and then manually pump your heart to keep you alive. This is why I highly recommend reading Remain Nameless as the pallet cleanser to heal your soul. It's just happy, fluffy, spicy love.

If you want to start off more happy with a touch of darkness, the Rights and Wrong Series is a great way to go. You must read it in order. Trust me. The graph below has links to the first and most impactful fics that I started with. However, I have now read many more, so if you want more links, click here to see my google spreadsheet:
Please be sure to check the trigger warnings and tags on AO3.
Happy reading!
(Bold title means it's a must-read Dramione fic.)
Manacled | Senlinyu | AU (alternate universe); war; Voldemort wins; handmaids tale | rape, torture, non consensual pregnancy, etc | |
Remain Nameless | heyjude19 | post war; coffee shop love; | simp draco | |
The Right Thing To Do (1) | lovesbitca8 | post war | hermione POV; redemption draco; | |
All The Wrong Things (2) | lovesbitca8 | post war | draco POV of TRTTD; redemption; spice | |
The Auction (3) | lovesbitca8 | AU war; voldemort wins | torture; mentions of rape | |
Love in a Time of the Zombie Apocalypse | rizzle | post war | war; gore | |
Draco Malfoy And The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being In Love | isthisselfcare | auror Draco; rom com; | draco POV | |
In These Silent Days | heyjude19 | post war; forced marriage | WIP (work in progress) | |
Isolation | bexchan | post Half-Blood Prince | | |
Wait and Hope (1) | mightbewriting | post war; memory loss | emotional damage before HEA | |
Beginning and End (2) | mightbewriting | post war; redemption arc | dravo POV; simp draco; emotional damage before HEA | |
Bring Him To His Knees | musyc | post war; thriller; auror draco; sex club | spice; voyeurism; | |
Hot For Teacher | motherofbulls | post epilogue; DILF draco | Draco pov; pining draco; Scorpious; hilarious | |
Breath Mints/ Battle Scars | onyx_elm | Hogwarts 8th year | toxic draco | |
Cat Daddy | hellodarknessdarling, holygnocchi | a social media AU | text threads | |
Secrets and Sketchbooks | Catmint and Thyme | AU social media text thread | WIP (not updated recently); text threads | |
Good | lovesbitca8 | post war | WIP; dom/sub; spice; kinks | |
Let The Dark In | Senlinyu | AU 4th year; no voldemort; Durmstrang Draco | WIP | |
| | | | |